Payment methods accepted (Paypal preferred for faster shipping):
* Paypal (access your Paypal account and send payment using for the recipient's email). For international
orders, Paypal is the only method we can currently accept.
* US Postal Money Orders (make MO payable to Raul Medina and
mail to Desert Sky Astro Products, 1625 E Villa Theresa Dr,
Phoenix, AZ 85022)
* Personal checks (make check payable to Raul Medina and mail
to Desert Sky Astro Products, 1625 E Villa Theresa Dr, Phoenix,
AZ 85022).

Product availability:
* For mounts & tripods, please check availability by sending an
email detailing which model you would like to order. We will reply
confirming availability or providing a lead time, as well as total cost
of the order. If product is available or lead time is acceptable, send
email confirming order and send payment using one of the payment
methods listed above.

* Dovetail bars, Columns and Adapters area usually in stock,
please send email listing your order and send payment using one
of the methods listed above.

* Mounts, columns, dovetail bars, adapters and other small items
ship via USPS priority mail flat rate box or envelope. Whenever
possible, we will combine items in the same box to save you
money on shipping cost. For example, if you order a mount and a
dovetail bar, the dovetail bar will ship in the same flat rate box as
the mount at no additional shipping cost. Typical transit time for
USPS priority mail shipments within CONUS is 3 business days.

* Tripods and other larger items ship via FEDEX ground. Typical
transit time for FEDEX ground shipments within CONUS is 5
business days.

* If customer wishes to use a different carrier, please email to
determine availability and cost.

* The rates shown in the website are for shipping addresses
located within continental US. For other locations, please email list
of items wanted and postal code in order to provide customized
shipping quote.
Desert Sky Astro Products
Quality Astronomical Accessories